Do Schools Kill Creativity

For the most part that really depends on the school, the teachers, the parents, and on the individual.
Personally though, i don't think so,
School can spark so many ideas and really depends if you are motivated and on how you want to use your time at school.
Yes some teachers can be a little boring and just make you do worksheets all day
but then most teachers try to get you involved by coming up a different way of thinking.
School's are just tools of information and  getting people prepared for the future and trying to help
kids to think of creative ideas of what they want to be when they grow up. When we are taught
knowledge from school it helps us think of more possibilities
of things we didn't know from when we started school in kindergarten. That is just my point of view on the idea of school's killing creativity.

About Me

PicturePhotography is way of expressing life in a photo
My name is Raquelle Baker. I'm 15 I was born in Canada. I am half Mexican and half German. I go to L A Matheson, which will be probably me 9th school but its already such a great school. I love Fords! they are my life, Also if you take me to Greece i would love you forever!!! ^.^. For fun personally i think I'm kinda boring, i play piano everyday i take it very seriously. I love track, volleyball, Im a very outdoor kinda person. Favorite movies of all time are "Forest Gump" and the "illusionist". If i were to win the lottery i would go live in Greece, and mainly give it away to charity. I think Planning 10 is going to be a great class for me, especially with my great teacher. That is mainly what you need to know about me.

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